Monday, May 12, 2014

Creating a modded Minecraft server with both Bukkit and Forge mods

There are a lot of good Minecraft plugins for Bukkit and a bunch of good Minecraft mods for Forge but most of the time, you don't see Forge mods and Bukkit plugins on the same server. Fortunately, there is MCPC-Plus which is a modified version of the Minecraft server that runs both Bukkit plugins and Forge mods.

Download MCPC-Plus 1.7.2 from Mirror 1
Download MCPC-Plus 1.7.2 from Mirror 2

How to use it:
1. Download MCPC-Plus.
2. Make a new folder and put the JAR file inside it. (You can call it whatever you want (e.g. server).
3. Open up your favorite code/text editor. If you are on Windows you can use Notepad. If you are Mac OS X you can use Text Edit (just make sure to set it to edit in plain text). If you are on Linux, you should have a text editor located under the accessories section of your application menu (the text editor that is used varies from distro to distro).
4. Enter the following code into your text editor. Make sure that you use the code that is meant to be used with your OS.

For Windows:

For Mac OS X:


(Note: where there is the * you should put the version number of the MCPC JAR that you want to run.)

5. After you have pasted the code into your text editor, save the file as startserver.bat if you are on Windows, if you are on Linux and startserver.cmd if you are on Mac OS X, and save it in the same folder where your MCPC JAR is located.
6. Run the startserver file and wait for the server to launch.
7. After it has launched, enter stop into the console.
8. Now install your desired Forge mods in the mods folder and install your desired plugins in the plugins folder. Both folders will be located in the same folder where you put your MCPC JAR.

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