Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mr_Crayfish’s Furniture Mod for Minecraft 1.7.2 and 1.6.4

Mr_Crayfish's Furniture Mod for Minecraft adds furniture to Minecraft, something that Mojang left out. The mod adds a bedside cabinet, a wooden table, a wooden chair, a cabinet, a wooden coffee table, a fridge, a freezer, couches (which can be made to be white, green, brown, red, or black), blinds, curtains, lamp, a stone chair, a stone table, stone coffee tables, an oven, an oven range hood, a hedge (which can be oak, pine, birch, or jungle), a bird bath, a stone path, a picket fence, a water tap, a mailbox (including envelopes and packages), a TV, a computer, a printer (including ink cartridges), a fire alarm, a stereo, an electric fence, a ceiling light, a Christmas tree, and presents. Now that you have finished reading that long list, check out the downloads, screenshots, and videos.


Download for Minecraft 1.7.2
Download for Minecraft 1.6.4

Do you need help installing this mod? Read our tutorial here.

Screenshots and videos:

Crafting recipes:

1 comment:

  1. Now, I will admit that there is another area in the yard that is in need of some major TLC. Check out these pictures from the back deck you may be scared, so brace yourself.Demir Leather & Furniture
